Sunday, August 8, 2010

twentyone ; d a y T W O

Day 2 - A photo of something you ate today
Day 2 - A letter to your crush

so yummeh munahahaha ..
also had coke, but that`s not food, it`s a drink. LOL


hrm. a letter to my crush ..
well, i`m not sure i have one atm, but my most recent one ?
i`m not going to mention names, because i don`t think it`s necessary. the person`s not meant to know i still feel these things =D. and he`s not going to read it anyway, so why bother, right ? =].
well, i`m not sure what to write. type. whatever.
... =/. here goes ;

i don`t regret meeting you despite everything bad we`ve been through, or i`ve been through.
i half regret and half not regret the times we`ve spent out together.
i regret my actions, i regret not knowing how i should have acted, i regret being so .. annoying.
i also regret never telling you earlier. haha, when i told you how i felt, and then found out about your feelings .. and how we felt it on the same night .... hm. well. i definitely realised i should have said something earlier ..
but thank you for the days we did spend together, and thank you for the memories [the good ones]
i`ve learnt a lot from this, and hopefully, i`ll be able to get the next guy i really really like ...

i think my biggest regret is never telling you i loved you, but hey, not like anything would have happened from it, so =].

you`re an awesome guy, and i really wish we could talk like we used to, when we first met ..
but now our convos are all silences and awkwardness. ffs, i have to start the convos ! sigh.
i really want to catch up with you, just me and you out somewhere together, AS FRIENDS.
friends, only.
nothing more. nothing less. but i don`t think that`s ever going to happen, because you don`t seem to want to ...
so ahwells.
i don`t want to push you anymore. which is why i haven`t been asking your over and over about my formal.
tbh i don`t care anymore, about that. either you come, or you don`t. i have back up anyway.
but that`s not the point.
point is, i DO want you to come, as FRIENDS, yet again, but if you don`t want to .. then that`s fine too.

i`ve often thought of the past and how things could be different, had i done different things.
but the past is the past .. and whether i like it or not, you`re a part of my past. as you seem to want to be.
and that`s fine, i guess ..
there`s so many things i want to ask you, but i think it`s a bit late for questions ... if i do, you probably won`t even say a 'hi' to me on msn or whatever.

i think that`s it, or else i`ll have an epic long post, just for you HAHA.

oh, but i`m happy to say i`m getting over it, finally.
almost 2 years, hahaha.

i still miss you so fucking much though.

ohillchays it`s the fucking past. like i give a shit anymore =]

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